
Please contact the Festival Coordinator Ellie Bell at Cheatfest@cheat.org or (304)329-3621 to organize a sponsorship package that best fits your company. 


Cheat Festival comes to life thanks to the generous support of our sponsors. This ranges from monetary donations to help us obtain necessary contract services and materials for the festival, to partnerships that utilize the unique specialties of your business. If you are interested in becoming a Cheat Fest sponsor, we would love to discuss how to create a mutually beneficial partnership between Friends of the Cheat and your business. Scroll down to learn about some of the opportunities that FOC offers to its sponsors.

 Cheat Festival

Cheat Festival is our annual celebration that serves as the primary fundraiser in support of our work. The festival grounds are perfectly nestled along the banks of the Cheat River, just above the newly protected Canyon section – a stretch of river where whitewater enthusiasts flock to experience the thrilling rapids amidst a true wilderness setting. During the festival, attendees enjoy live music, an art market, a 5K and down river race, a vendor market, and more. Now in its 22nd year, Cheat Fest draws more than 3,000 attendees from throughout the mid-Atlantic region and beyond. Festival-goers include: whitewater enthusiasts, environmental advocates, river lovers, fishermen, families, musicians, and artists alike.

Opportunities for our Sponsors

Friends of the Cheat Swag Bags
Swag bags are our simple way to thank our sponsors and major donors – and include a grab bag of river themed FOC merchandise.

Official Cheat Festival Website
All sponsors will be featured on the Cheat Festival website; opportunities include logo placements, company profiles, and links directing traffic to your business’s website

Into the Canyon
Into the Canyon is Friends of the Cheat’s newsletter, distributed to about 1000 FOC supporters quarterly. Sponsors have the opportunity for acknowledgements, logo inclusion, and/or article features in the pre and post festival issues.

Vendor Booth
Encircling the festival site, the vendor booths offer businesses the opportunity to sell and raise awareness about their company and products during the festival. This is a fantastic opportunities for businesses to interact directly with our membership – while having a lot of fun.

VIP Festival Status
The best way to enjoy Cheat Fest! VIPs get inside access to the festival, including entrance, beautiful on-site camping, access to the Hospitality Café, and an invitation to the pre-fest VIP party.

Stage Banner
Banners featuring sponsors’ names and logos are prominently displayed on the Festival Site stage, for our 3000 fest-goers to view. Great exposure!

Thank you!

 2015 Cheat River Festival Sponsors

Pathfinder Cheat Fest 2015 LogoJackson Logo SOLO-LOGO




5k-sponsor-black-bear Logo Cheat Canyon

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